Group Workshops.

Meet musicians and open opportunities through creative and communal music making activities.

View my Previous workshops.

Special Update!

April’s workshop / jam will take place at The Brunswick!

Join the workshop and/or jam every 3rd Thursday of the month at The Bee’s Mouth.

  • Step 1. Choose your level...

    Easy mode: 8pm - 9pm (workshop) -

    Beginner friendly session led by an experienced music educator. Learn a part in advance (bespoke tutorial available online) and join a supportive group for a guided warm-up, play-through and (optional) solos.

    Hard mode: 9 - 10.30 (jazz jam) -

    Typical band style jams for confident players. Choose a song from our list (free lead sheets available) and be ready to jump straight in.

    Step 2. Insert Coins...

    Audience: Free / suggested £2 donation.

    Workshop participants: £4 OTD or £3 per month on Patreon (patreon priority then 1st come 1st served)

    Jazz Jam Performers: Free / suggested £1 donation for printed sheet music (sign up in advance or on the door, 1st come 1st served).

    Step 3. Press Start...

    Book in advance / arrive early as there are limited spaces.

    Workshop partipants need to be ready to play by 8, so arrive by 7.45. Please prepare a given part from the tutorial. We welcome mistakes, but only from courteous, aware and repsectful players.

    Jazz Jam Performers don't be afraid to bring us something unpolished. Our priority is to grow the community of musicians playing video game music.

    Audience members (everyone) show love and support to the whole community, regardless of their skill. Our community is about passion for video game music, we have no room for snobs.

    Game ON!

  • Where to Book?

  • See April’s tutorial below and previous workshop videos on my YouTube

  • Join a live stream every first Thursday of the month on Twitch.

  • Get priority seats and printed sheet music via my Patreon.