Understand… Your Music Knowledge (Ep. 1)


Welcome to the very first in a series of music meditations about understanding. Here we will be reflecting on what we know and why it is valauble. If knowledge is power, then music knowledge is music power. Don’t be limited to ‘music theory’. Understand what you want to do, what you’re doing, as well as how to do it.


What can music theory tell you about your relationship with music? Music is not something that any one person can totally understand, explain, or write a book about. Understanding music is as much about people, events and our experiences, as anything technical and analytical. This isn’t just about being intelligent. It’s about having an awareness of what is happening, why and the best thing to do about it.


Knowledge for knowledges’ sake is fine. But to have an impact in our lives, it needs to mean something to us. Reflect on your own relationship with music:


Produce… Magical Music Moments (Ep. 1)