Produce… Magical Music Moments (Ep. 1)


Welcome to the very first in a series of music meditations about producing. Here we will be learning to make space and time for music to become its best. When you capture your music and save it, you can reflect on it over time.


What would music be without recording? For our music to be permenant or recievied by others, we have to have a process for documenting it. At the very least, recording our music, saves it from being forgotten. But it can potentially have a huge sentimental or professional value as time goes by. Being present in a recording, can help us overcome insecurities and reflect on ourselves and our journey.


It’s easy to get lost, to forget your inspirations, and your drives. When you document what you are doing, you can reflect and learn. Make the space and time for music to be its best:


Create… A Musical Imagination (Ep. 1)


Understand… Your Music Knowledge (Ep. 1)