Create… A Musical Imagination (Ep. 1)


Welcome to the very first in a series of music meditations about creating. Here we will be learning to accept and develop our own unique sound. While learning how to bring ideas to life. The more we engage our imagination, the more powerful our ideas can be.


Where do ideas come from and how do we find them? We can all benefit from developing our creativity. But if we only think about the idea, the outcome, it can end up being a lot of pressure. Ideas come from the imagination. Like dreaming, it works best when we let go and accept what comes up. Music is a great way to practise developing this state of mind.


Anyone, creative or not, can get stuck in the process of imagination. The ‘writers block’ visits us all. Whether we are writing a book, or changing the story of our lives. Learn to be comfortable in the process of imagination:


Play… Music and You (Ep. 1)


Produce… Magical Music Moments (Ep. 1)