A Musical Mindset.

A Musical Mindset is not only useful on stage or in the studio. Creativity, focus and flow, are valuable assets in every aspect of life.

The activities below are designed for anyone to begin utilising music as a tool for training the mind. Each activity explores one of the ways all people engage with music.

Develop your Musical Mindset

Practicing music is not supposed to be a hamster wheel of never ending technical progress. Students in any field, can utilise what they do to enhance their creativity, focus and flow. I take inspiration into all my work, from several artists, teachers and researchers who explore the following areas.


Interactive sound art workshops and installations in your office or workplace, for stimulating creativity and new ideas. Looking for a more consistent dose of inspiration? Learn improvisation, composition and sound design techniques on a digital piano.


Rhythm, techniques, sight-reading - music requires a ‘whole-mind’ focus like no other activity. Reminding us how to completely devote ourselves to the task at hand. While providing us a fun opportunity to interact with each other, our bodies and minds.


The state of being fully immersed in an activity, common among all people doing something they love. Music trains us to communicate without words, to sense the subtlest movements in ourselves and others, while appreciating the finest details of things.